The Journey is…Destiny

“Tomorrow’s Destiny becomes Today’s Direction”

If you know me well, you know that I LOVE JOHN MAXWELL!

This video is no exception…I think I’ve watched it about 20 times:

Minute with Maxwell~DESTINY

Every time that I watch it, I think these two things:

#1 ~ My definition of success is probably quite different from the majority of people.

I love this John Wooden quote:  “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.”  To me, it has nothing to to with being rich & famous…or reaching the masses.  I believe I am successful when I am reaching my full potential doing whatever the Lord has called me to do at this moment.  At times it may be ministering mostly to my family…at times it may be thousands…either way, each person, each life is precious to the Lord.  That is what really matters to me…what really counts!


#2 ~ He is so right!

….the times in my life where I floundered the most are when I lost sense of my Destiny.  My purpose.  The reason I was created.

I was created to Worship my Lord…I was created to serve others.