The Journey is…Random Running Thoughts

Random thoughts about running(and life) that are racing through my brain…

-When you accomplish your goal & finish a race…you must always have a NEXT in mind.  Otherwise the exhilaration & feeling of accomplishment lends itself to emptiness & lack of motivation.  It would be easy to fall back to square one.

-After last weeks 5k(where my family all ran together)…no one has wanted to run w/me all week!!!  But, I understand…I felt the same way after my first 3 races.  The Lord always sent me some form of encouragement to keep going forward.

-Even when you don’t feel it…take the next step anyway.  Feelings come & go…right choices ultimately take you where you want to be.  I enjoyed having Matt back on the track with me this morning!

-Every race, even if it’s not pretty (ie~my Talladega run)…has it’s own unique triumphs, struggles & meaning.

-Can’t get MILE ELEVEN at the Talladega out of my head.  At a point in life that I had never been past…never ran more than 11 miles at one time(a half marathon is 13.1 miles)…the Lord gave me this song on my i-pod, it started playing exactly as I passed the 11 mile marker.  That moment changed my life.  I am still not able to comprehend completely all that moment meant to me.  That song summarizes my life & my relationship with the Lord.  I now listen to it every time that I run.

I’m sure that I’ll dedicate a blog to each topic someday….but for now…maybe my mind can rest…

The Journey is…running

The Lord puts dreams in your heart for a purpose…LIVE THEM!

Follow your dreams, not your feelings...

In the beginning…

Well actually the beginning started on the elementary school playground when I was too uncoordinated for any sports…except running!

My first taste of racing as an adult, was in 1993.  I participated in the Corporate Challenge in Tulsa, OK.

Then life got busy & I forgot about running until I was at a business meeting in Atlanta, GA…looking out of my hotel window I saw a marathon of some sort…and the dream was birthed.  I REALLY wanted to be down there with them in the freezing cold air, running through those downtown streets.  Year after year I would say I was going to run the Vulcan in Birmingham, but never followed through…this time was different.  The links below chronicle this year’s journey from the first grumpy step to the FINISH LINE(s)! :

(to view these entries you must have a Facebook account, just click on the links below)

 Journey to the Vulcan…my first 10K

Because He loves me too. (The reason why I am running the Vulcan)

SATISFACTION…The Vulcan Run, Nov 6, 2010

It’s even more fun with friends!

The Red Nose Run~Jan 8, 2011 5K(first run w/my daughter!)

Let’s run a Half ~ 13.1 miles!:

HOLD YOUR HEAD UP! Finding beauty in the journey…

Attitude Adjustment

It\’s Not Going to Be Pretty!…but I\’m not a quitter! Just leave the camera at home please…

\”I like pain.\” ~ What I learned on my last big run before Talladega.

\”The Run of Faith\” Talladega 21000 HALF MARATHON! April 4, 2011


“….and I kept running, and running, and running…” ~Forrest Gump